Enerjisa Üretim
Enerjisa Üretim

2022 Annual Report

2021 Annual Report

2020 Annual Report

People & Culture

With the period we call Generation Next, we aim to make Enerjisa Üretim a company that uses data best, has become a benchmark with its digital competencies, and exponentially grows its trade activities in the world. In doing so, we see our greatest strength here as our "people".

We continue our work by contributing to the ecosystem we live in. In line with our Generation Next philosophy, we develop applications that meet the needs of both our entire teammates -who are the most important value in our organization- and the requirements of the future, and aim to ensure that our applications provide knowledge, experience and competent people for the sector.

At Enerjisa Üretim, our journey, which always starts with the priority of safety and health, continues to deepen with high environmental and sustainability awareness. Each of our employees' heartfelt commitment to these values lies at the core of our business, which is indeed, a determination that we embrace with passion, rather than a phenomenon which we merely agree upon.

The collaboration, teamwork and performance-oriented culture of our team is fed by feedback and continues to develop together with our organisation’s leadership and technical skills that are constantly moving forward. At Enerjisa Üretim, we become stronger by bringing together our collective consciousness and talents, within the spirit of unity and solidarity. We know that each of our successes is a result shaped by the contributions of all our teammates accordingly.

Number of Employees
Enerjisa Üretim Employee
Average Age


We offer various fringe benefits to our employees with our "Sana Göre” (Just For You) programme, which can be customized to suit the individual needs of our teammates.

Thanks to our “İyi ki Varsın” (Glad to Have You) system, we enable employees to appreciate each other and have access to a shopping portal that they can use from more than 900 suppliers and brands.

Using Employee Data Analyses, we determine actions compatible with our organisation’s as well as our People and Culture strategies, and take short-medium-long-term initiatives to develop employee experience. In order to further improve our occupational safety and employee welfare, we determine the standards of employee rest periods and raise awareness on this issue, while constantly reviewing the work-private life balance and making necessary improvements accordingly.

Our New Employee Value Proposition: “This Is Our Impact”
In 2023, we asked the question “What makes Enerjisa Üretim unique?” to our teammates and, thanks to their ideas, came up with our motto "This Is Our Impact".

We define our organisation as a company of people who constantly renew themselves, set new goals following each success, and work devotedly. We generate for a better tomorrow with our renewed energy every day, being aware of our responsibility towards our people, nature and everything within our sphere of influence. We say "This Is Our Impact", being confident that Enerjisa Üretim has the power, belief and ability to change things for everyone and everything in its area of influence.

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our movie our new employer brand slogan, "This Is Our Impact".

Continuously Evolving Dynamic Performance Culture

At Enerjisa Üretim, performance is more than just an evaluation, it is a natural and uninterrupted development process that our people realize with their own consciousness by constantly exhibiting an innovative approach. We provide an environment that supports this dynamic development journey focused on continuous improvement, where each team member maximizes their potential.

Career Management and Development Tools

We offer two career paths to our teammates, focusing on contributing to our people both from an individual and managerial perspective. We play an important role in the career management of our people by aligning their wishes with the needs of our company.

Our Reverse Mentoring Programme: Genç Fikir (Young Ideas)

The "Young Ideas Volunteers" programme, which all our team members under the age of 30 in our company can participate in, helps young talents develop their careers and improve their leadership skills. During the 1-year-long programme, we provide Reverse Mentoring and Solution-Focused Thinking Training. While our participants attend meetings held with our company's leaders for the first 6 months and learn the real dynamics of the business world as well as the strategic perspectives of the management, they are paired with one of our leaders and receive reverse mentoring for the remaining 6 months.

Supporting Young People with Our Education and Development Projects Tufanbeyli

We have provided internship opportunities for 126 students as of 2023 at Enerjisa Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, which has a capacity of 227 students in one academic year.


We design learning and development products to strengthen our behavioural, professional and leadership competencies in line with our strategic goals and the needs of our people. In addition to training, we also tap into coaching/mentoring opportunities, language training, workshops, experiential learning methods and special training tools prepared with VR technology. We support development with innovative and rich content on our online education platform, the E-Gelişim (E-Development) portal.

Enerjisa Üretim Academy

With Enerjisa Üretim Academy, we are tailoring our new generation training journey every day, in line with our Spektrum philosophy, which allows our people to develop their competencies, follow current technologies and have fun while learning with the new perspectives they gain.

Our training catalogue includes 762 comprehensive trainings focused on both personal as well as vocational and technical skills. We managed to increase the number of trainings to 153, all of them which were designed by our internal trainers who are experts in their fields and published them on our online training portal E- Gelişim (E-Development). In 2023, we provided significant support to the technical development of our people with an average of 88 hours of training per employee, including a total of 38,400 hours through E- Gelişim (E-Development) and 62,652 hours face-to-face technical and compulsory training.

We create training content with universities and our stakeholders and continue our collaborations through company workshop training.

Pekiyi Outdoor Track

At Tufanbeyli Power Plant, we continue carrying out both external and internal Basic Fire Trainings with solid, liquid and gas fire simulators in our external training track -which is a rare example in Türkiye- including Working at Height/Closed/Restricted Areas, Man Rescue and Fire Training areas. We are proud to implement advanced training in our own training site, together with our internal trainers.

Pekiyi Indoor Track

We embrace occupational health and safety as a natural part of our business. For this reason, we have designed a special indoor track where our teammates can receive health and safety training that they can experience with certain applications and gamifications. Our teammates can repeatedly receive this training whenever they want, which they can access on our website, tablet or track as to their preference.

Master & PhD Support

We support all our employees who want to study for a master's or doctorate. In this context, 14 of our teammates started their MBA/Master programme in 2023, amounting to a total of 60 as of 2020.


We implemented our Nextcepted project in order to support our teammates to strengthen their performance, realize their potential and develop themselves through different training topics. With this project, our employees can contribute to their horizontal career planning by experiencing different roles and tapping into the learning opportunities in their current positions.

Üretim Collective

We implemented our Nextcepted project in order to support our teammates to strengthen their performance, realize their potential and develop themselves through different training topics. With this project, our employees can contribute to their horizontal career planning by experiencing different roles and tapping into the learning opportunities in their current positions.

Our Programmes

Power MBA Professional Development Programme

We guide those who want to advance their careers in the energy sector. In this respect, we have been carrying out our 9-month-long Power MBA Professional Development Programme, in co-operation with Sabancı University EDU, from which a total of 102 participants from Türkiye and abroad have graduated during the course of the last 3 years. In our diversified programme we cover topics such as the basics of energy, management in energy, the future of the energy sector, as well as business and technical issues respectively. Moreover, we enable participants to learn on-site through our technical plant tours. By organizing power plant visits abroad for successful participants, we appreciate their success and broaden their technical knowledge vis-a-vis international perspectives. Our programme, whose third term will end in 2024, will continue in the coming years.

We believe that our participants will play critical roles that will shape the future of the energy sector, resulting in our programme to make significant contributions to the energy ecosystem.

Power MBA Alumni

We created the Power MBA Alumni Power MBA Alumni programme to support the professional development of the Power MBA graduates and increase both their learning and interaction opportunities within the energy ecosystem. Thereby, we continue contributing to the personal development of our graduates, and their communication with each other as well as the industry, via our Alumni activities.

Energy Youth College Long-Term Internship Programme

In line with our motto “Your Energy Changes Through Our Impact on Your Career Journey!” we offer our participants a 6-month experience and development opportunity with our Energy Youth College, which we have designed in order to prepare the 3rd and 4th year university students for business life. While aiming to provide participants the technical competencies of the relevant department which they select, we also provide them with the opportunity to take a real step in their careers by offering them various workshops, group studies, 1-1 mentoring along their career path, power plant tours, professional and behavioural competency trainings, seminars, guest speakers and, last but not least, asking them to complete a project at the end of the programme.

Click to watch participant comments relating to our programme


We offer a career opportunity to new graduates -who desire to lead the future with their energy- with an aim to make an impact in the world together with our Young Talent Leadership Programme, wherein participants have the chance to improve their competencies through training. With our Nextchanger Programme, participants will tap into analytical and design-oriented thinking, managing change, working on the axis of diversity and inclusion, participating in leader meetings and benefiting from other various development opportunities. We have enriched each module of our 12-month programme - which consists of 3 modules, namely "Engage", "Energize" and "Empower"- with training kits that will provide development in different areas.

Rüzgârı Enerjiye Dönüştüren Kadınlar

By supporting diversity in business life, we aim to increase our female employee share above 60%. In this regard, we have launched the "Rüzgarı Enerjiye Dönüştüren Kadınlar” (Women Converting Wind into Energy) programme, which aims to train competent female engineers who have recently graduated, providing them both career and development opportunities in the field of wind technology. In this 6-month programme, participants advance their personal and professional development by receiving technical and behavioural training in 3 different modules.

University Collaborations and Activities

We share our knowledge and experience regarding the sector with students, through our close collaborations with universities and the events we organize. In this respect, we meet with students at career fairs, summits and special days and provide information about the energy sector as well as Enerjisa Üretim. In order for students to get to know our company better, we host them in our head office with the concept called "One Day at Enerjisa Üretim" and organize technical visits to our power plants. Students have the chance to directly observe our company culture by experiencing Enerjisa Üretim's office environment.

Boğaziçi University

We have been continuing our co-operation with Boğaziçi University for the last 6 years and share information with students on the planning aspects of hydroelectric power plants during the Civil Engineering undergraduate programme courses. In this way, students have the opportunity to support their theoretical knowledge vis-a-vis practical applications.

İstanbul Technical University

We have been taking part as a speaker in the relevant courses of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Engineering undergraduate programmes for the last 6 years, in order to share the latest developments and technological innovations in the energy sector with students.

Manisa Celal Bayar University Vocational School of Technical Sciences

Within the scope of the protocol we signed with Manisa Celal Bayar University Technical Sciences Vocational School in 2023, on improving the physical conditions of the university, renewing workshops and laboratories as well as providing students with competency development training such as technical training and English language training, we have offered opportunities such as internship and employment opportunities at Enerjisa Üretim plants and headquarters. Thanks to our collaborations, we have enabled students to gain field experience in the energy sector and make a strong start to their careers. Ultimately, we aim to develop a qualified workforce in the energy sector.

Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University

We are delighted to have provided laboratory facilities to Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University (ÇOMÜ) Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department.

Employee Health and Wellbeing

We define being healthy as a state of complete physical, psychological and social well-being. Knowing that the health of all living creatures in our field is entrusted to us, we implement personalized, holistic, protective and digitalized health practices.

Psycho-Social Risk Assessment

In order to protect the psycho-social health of employees and minimize the negative effects of work-people-organization-related conditions on employees, we conducted one-on-one interviews with 948 employees within the scope of the psycho-social risk assessment in 2023 and determined our psycho-social risks under 22 headings. Afterwards, we implemented the actions created to reduce these risks together with the function leaders.

We provide our employees with preventive medicine practices such as breast cancer screening, HPV vaccination programme and cardiological risk score monitoring, and guide them to a healthy future with our quit smoking programme. With the power of digitalization, we monitor data such as blood sugar, cholesterol and body mass index and use early warning systems before diseases occur.

Enerjine Sağlık (Bless Your Energy)

With our patented well-being brand “Enerjine Sağlık”, we aim to raise health and well-being awareness among our employees and direct them to sustainable behavioural change. In this respect, we carry out preventive practices that contribute to their holistic health thanks to the on-site services we provide such as dieticians, physiotherapists, massages and sports activities. We also contribute to the well-being of our children and their families through our parent counselling programme and new-born nurse support.

We receive support from our business partners for practices that promote holistic health. Our employees and their relatives can receive medical, legal, financial and social information support via AVITA 24/7 and request a meeting with their psychologists. With our platform Wellbees, we create a social space where our employees can be inspired by each other, while also offering content where they can access healthy living practices.

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Hobby Clubs

Thanks to our art, game, gastronomy, travel and sports hobby clubs we enable our team members from different functions to come together and support them in socializing while acquiring new hobbies. We organized many social events in 2023, from football to bowling tournaments, and gastronomy events to art activities.



Instead of defining Occupational Health and Safety as a priority, we see it as an indispensable part of our corporate culture by echoing our slogan "Always OHS". We regularly review our activities and update our processes, raising the bar higher every day. We consider everyone who walks through the doors of Enerjisa Üretim as an OHS volunteer. With this approach, our entire team plays an important role in creating and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment.

Development and Culture

In order to raise awareness during the Occupational Health and Safety Week, we prepared a social media content enriched with the drawings of Illustrator Robin Yayla, via which we drew attention to OHS principles at home, in the office, on the road, in short, in every aspect of our lives.

Click to watch the video

5S Studies

With the 5S (Sorting, Organizing, Cleaning, Standardization and Discipline) technique, which is the initial level of total productive maintenance, we move towards changing the thinking system and behaviour of employees, ensuring early diagnosis of problems, creating a pleasant working environment and achieving the goals of "Zero Accident, Zero Error, Zero Malfunction" respectively.

Our Digital Applications

In addition to our "Always OHS" approach that centres on the health of our employees, we also strive to be a pioneer in the industry through our digital applications.

  • Thanks to the ENSAFE application developed by our teams, we analyse the dangers and risks within the scope of our activities, then evaluate and minimize them accordingly.
  • By ensuring that everyone who visits our company is bound by and complies with the same OHS standards thanks to our YES (Contractor Integrated System), we integrate our contractors into our OHS processes and increase their awareness.
  • With our Fark@ software, both our employees and contractors enjoy easy access to the OHS system. In this way, we facilitate instant notification and quick resolution of non- conformities.
  • With the Safety Vision software we have developed with a start-up, we benefit from cameras in our power plants to ensure real-time measurement and reporting of our OHS processes with over 90% accuracy.