Enerjisa Üretim
Enerjisa Üretim

2022 Annual Report

2021 Annual Report

2020 Annual Report

Two Wheels, One Mission:

Journey to a
Better Future

2023 Annual Report



We continue our journey worldwide in pursuit of a better future dream.

Gürkan Genç
Born in Ankara and embarking on a world tour from Türkiye in 2012, Gürkan Genç explored 69 countries by covering 130,000 kilometres on his bicycle. Currently, he continues his journey in USA. In 2023, when our paths crossed, Gürkan visited our company Senkron.Energy and Enerjisa Commodities in the Netherlands along with his bicycle to closely witness our mission of building a better future. Sharing his experiences and observations during the tour, Gürkan became a part of our journey.


Focusing on people, we continue our journey of continuous development with the same determination, and we are nourished by the richness of our diversity.

Kamran Ali
Kamran Ali, the first and only Pakistani to cycle across the Americas, has been on his world bicycle tour for 9 years. Kamran, who is also a photographer, has travelled about 60,000 kilometres in 51 countries on five continents. He has shared his adventure with us in Mexico, where we carry out our energy trade activities.


We align with the rhythm of nature, the source of our power, and work tirelessly for uninterrupted generation.

Daniel & Melanie
For the past 4.5 years, Melanie and Daniel have been exploring the world on bicycles. During this time, they have covered over 60,000 kilometres, traversing 25 countries. Daniel, an energy efficiency and construction technology engineer, worked with local solar energy companies in India to electrify rural areas. Melanie, on the other hand, is a health economist, writer, and yoga instructor. Melanie and Daniel shared their adventure of living in Georgia, where we continue our energy trading activities.


We provide tailored solutions by understanding our customers' needs in every location where we operate.

Roxy & Tommy
Roxy and Tommy have been continuing their journey for 19 months, covering over 20,500 kilometres by bicycle in 25 countries from France to Australia. This adventure allows them to accumulate unforgettable stories. Roxy and Tommy shared their adventure of living in Vietnam, where we continue our energy trading activities.


We shape our activities with our digital capabilities, foresee the future, and design tomorrow from today.

Peter Gostelow
Born in London, Peter Gostelow, with his belief in the simplicity and freedom of bicycle travel, has cycled over 150,000 kilometres across more than 90 countries in 20 years. Currently continuing his world tour in Saudi Arabia, Peter shared his adventure of living in Poland, where we carry out our energy trading activities.


We chart our course with the right strategic decisions and steadily progress toward our goals.

Davide Travelli
Born in Italy, Davide Travelli embarked on his world tour in 2015. Having cycled over 84,000 kilometres, Davide is currently continuing his journey in Spain, the 58th country on his tour. Davide shared his adventure of living in Spain, where we carry out our energy trading activities.


We generate together for a sustainable future with our projects that contribute to people, nature and life.

Aydan Çelik
Born in 1966, Aydan Çelik studied Business Administration and Economic History at Istanbul University and went on to attend the Department of Sculpture at Mimar Sinan University. Writer and Illustrator Çelik's love for bicycles has continued to grow since her childhood and shaped his professional life. He continues his work for the development of bicycle culture in Türkiye with the books he writes and the special bicycles he designs.
Corporate Profile and Governance
Partnership Structure
Mission, Goal and Principles
Message from the Chairperson of the Board
Message from the Ceo
Leadership Team
Governance Team

About the Report

Two Wheels, One Mission:
Journey to a Better Future

On the road to a beautiful future, every step has a meaning and every pedal has a story.

At Enerjisa Üretim, we compile all these stories in our report sharing our 2023 journey.

Our trade routes, which extend to all corners of the world on more than five continents, have intersected with the routes of completely different cyclists. While we were carrying out our journey in different geographies and cultures, we were all actually sharing the same path, namely the path of change and sustainability.

The path of perseverance and hope against ups and downs coupled with unexpected turns and challenges.

The inspiring story of each of the cyclists matched the emotions we felt. Our heartfelt belief that we indeed have an impact on the world, our curiosity which enabled us to discover innovations, and the determination we displayed on our route all gave us the strength to pedal forward as an organization.

With Two Wheels, One Mission; We continue to move forward for our world, and generate energy for a better future by respecting life.

Gürkan Genç's Experiences from the Netherlands

Every kilometre I travelled on my bicycle during my world tour whispered to me that our lifestyle needs constant change. I have experienced that for a better world, we need to transform our habits in all areas, starting with energy use. The most important basis of this change for me, was the strengthening of my belief on sustainability in every single day. In this adventure where I started in 2013, I improved with every kilometre and changed my journey in line with this development. I first started with a 26-rim bicycle, then managed to use my energy more efficiently by switching to 29 rims in 2024 By reducing the trunk volume from 110 litres to 64 litres, I reduced wind resistance and gained a faster and more comfortable riding experience. I stopped carrying batteries for electronic devices, and now have solar-powered electronic devices as well as a dynamo that can charge at an average speed of 15 km/h. I have learned to cycle longer distances with less food and water. Moreover, I have increased the durability of all the equipment I use and continue to test new equipment that focuses on clean energy every year.

My meeting with Enerjisa Üretim was an instructive encounter that also inspired my journey. I had the chance to experience the company's leadership in sustainability and innovation, its global impact, and its power to change the world. I visited Enerjisa Commodities and Senkron.Energy offices in the Netherlands and embarked on a journey of discovery from modern wind turbines to historical windmills. Despite the difficulties brought by the storm and cold, this journey in Amsterdam and Rotterdam enabled me to better understand Enerjisa Üretim's vision in the field of energy as well as the past, present and future of energy.

I was impressed by the company's confident progress towards its dream goal. Enerjisa Üretim is a company that focuses on green energy, provides high efficiency, adopts digital development as a principle to make the energy generated more efficient, and realizes world- class innovations in software and technology. The effort it puts forth with the responsibility of tomorrow on its shoulders is an indication that the synergy between technology and sustainability can carry us to a better future.

I would like to thank Enerjisa Üretim for being a "Dream Partner" in my journey, where we are moving towards the same dream in different fields.

Click to watch the video!

Kamran Ali's Experiences from Mexico

Exploring Mexico by bicycle has rewarded me with captivating landscapes: mountains, canyons, forests, deserts, and magnificent waterfalls. Yet, what made Mexico truly breath taking wasn't just its nature. Its warm people, vibrant culture, and the heartfelt sincerity felt around every corner have carved out a special place for this country in my heart. My journey unfolded like the pages of a never-ending fairy-tale book. The city centre squares were filled with the aroma of tacos and the melodies of traveling Mariachis singing passionately in front of churches, while the laughter of children mingles with the tunes, creating a symphony. This lively atmosphere beautifully reflected the spirit of Mexicans.

During my journey, I had the privilege of meeting an inspiring individual, Axel Zamudio. Axel was cycling 1,600 kilometres across Mexico with a noble purpose, collecting 100 bicycles to contribute to the education of underprivileged children in remote villages. By doing so, he rescued children from long walks and made it easier for them to continue attending school. Axel's courage, sacrifice, and kindness left me in awe. His story showed me that each of us can make the world a better place with small but meaningful steps.

Mexicans generously opened their hearts to me, sharing their home keys, and warm clothes, and refusing to accept payment for my stay. In Tijuana, some locals even raised funds to support my journey to the United States. In Baja California, adorned with deserts and cacti, I erected a sign indicating the latitude of my homeland, Pakistan, symbolizing a desire to connect distant corners of the world. My father always used to say, "My son, whatever you become, where you go, don’t forget your roots!" This signpost is proof that I have never forgotten my father's lessons. My journey taught me that we are all travellers on this voyage called life, navigating through the vistas of existence, and embracing constant change.

Just like a bicycle journey filled with ups and downs, life reveals the true beauty of the human spirit. Mexico will remain a vibrant chapter echoing endlessly in the corridors of my heart, with its people and culture leaving an indelible mark.

Melanie and Daniel's Experiences from Georgia

Before arriving in Georgia, our 16th stop on our world tour, we bore witness to breath-taking landscapes and conquered countless meters of altitude. However, the steep and rugged passes of the Lesser Caucasus Mountains proved to be our greatest challenge yet. Even before reaching here, we were fully aware of the difficulties along the route: poorly maintained paths, points where the mountains soared thousands of meters high, and limited options for replenishing food and water supplies.

To navigate this challenging pass, we meticulously calculated the required number of days and replenished our supplies to the best of our ability. Our equipment, which we had relied on regularly for two years, served as a steadfast shield against nature's surprises, adapting to all kinds of weather conditions: stormy rain, snow, freezing temperatures plunging to -20 degrees Celsius, or desert heat soaring to 45 degrees Celsius.

Yet, the Caucasus was as formidable as it was magnificent. With every pedal stroke, our climbing became even more arduous. As fog reduced our visibility to zero and the rain and snow intensified, our determination was tested. But the true test came when our "armour" failed us; from our bags to our clothes, all our equipment lost its waterproofing. Soaked and shivering during the storm, we searched for hope on our map and realized there was a shelter near the pass. Summoning all our strength, we arrived at a deserted cabin, with only four poles and a roof dancing with the wind. This shelter became our only solace. After enduring the storm for two nights, we finally reached the happy ending of our adventure at dawn.

Stepping outside the cabin, we were greeted by another aspect of nature. The storm had subsided, and the sky had cleared. Our descent was a symphony of joy, a celebration of nature's beauty and our rebirth. This experience, which tested not only our physical strength but also our resolve and resilience, reminded us of the power of nature and the opportunity for renewal it always presents. Even in the darkest moments of the journey, it showed us that a way forward awaited us, encouraging us to continue.

Roxy and Tommy’s Experiences from Vietnam

Northern Vietnam, a mountainous, mysterious region teeming with the diverse cultures of 54 ethnic groups, held a special place in our hearts. For three weeks, we ventured away from bustling cities and supermarkets, navigating narrow, winding roads that climbed steep mountain slopes. The demanding cycling conditions, combined with scorching temperatures reaching up to 45 degrees Celsius, made it difficult for us to carry ample food supplies.

Local markets became our lifelines for replenishing our stocks. Not only did they fulfil our basic needs, but they also provided vibrant spaces where we could experience the region's culture. However, the linguistic diversity resulting from each ethnic group speaking their dialect made communication harder even with translation apps.

During one of our market rituals, when our stomachs were particularly empty, we considered adding an exotic fruit offered by a vendor in traditional attire to our supplies. Hesitant from past encounters with unappealing exotics, we decided to taste this apricot-apple-looking fruit before making it our road companion. Expressing our desire to taste it led to a pantomime-like exchange of gestures in the shopping ritual. Despite its rather bitter taste, we decided to purchase a few of these miniature apples simply due to the scarcity of alternatives and the sincerity of the vendor.

Our attempt to modestly purchase a small quantity by gesturing with our hands to indicate 5 resulted in the vendor woman starting to fill bags with five kilos of fruit. Eventually, we managed to clarify the situation and quickly put five apples into a bag. She smiled at us, insisting not to accept payment for such a small amount. This reluctant trade attempt turned into a humorous memory, and we continued our journey with our "bitter treasures."

Despite the language barriers and unfamiliar flavours, the local markets of Northern Vietnam not only sustained us but also enriched our travels with cultural exchanges and unforgettable experiences.

Peter Gostelow's Experiences from Poland

After the end of a sunny day in the heart of Poland, the anticipation of the approaching twilight foreshadowed the possibility of an oncoming flood. There are only a few things I dislike about traveling by bicycle, one is the prospect of camping in the rain and packing up a wet tent. While digital weather forecasts could predict the onset of rain, they could not protect against the inevitable soaking. Fortunately, the modern miracle of digital mapping has provided a solution to this dilemma.

Traversing Poland's rural landscapes, I chanced upon intermittent wooden shelters nestled along the roadside, akin to secret sanctuaries unmarked by any signage, leaving me uncertain of when I might encounter one. That is until I stumbled upon the local digital mapping application Mapy.cz, which not only delineated useful pathways absent from paper maps but also provided information on the whereabouts of these shelters. This newfound tool enabled me to preplan my accommodations, ensuring preparedness for inclement weather.

Through the app, I discovered a shelter situated 50 kilometres away, with rain not expected until sunset, affording me enough time to reach my destination. Consulting Google Maps and satellite imagery for confirmation, I zoomed in to spot a small dirt track diverging from the asphalt road, leading to a secluded clearing flanked by woodland and a structure. Deciphering the exact nature of the structure from the satellite view proved challenging, but the inclusion of a photograph in the application confirmed it to be a sizable, roofed shelter. Though the location was remote, the shelter indeed stood as promised. Rain commenced shortly after my arrival, cascading relentlessly throughout the night. Yet, I found solace in the symphony of raindrops on the iron roof, revelling in the dry comfort afforded by my equipment as I drifted into slumber.

The following morning the skies cleared, allowing me to continue my journey. Each voyage heralds a new tale waiting to be discovered. As I pedal through the world on my bicycle, uncovering fresh narratives, the guidance and foresight bestowed by the digital realm shall remain steadfast companions on my odyssey.

Davide Travelli’s Experiences from Spain

In the heart of a sweltering July sun, Tabernas Desert, the backdrop to unforgettable scenes from Spaghetti Western films, beckoned me with its storied past. My carefully plotted route on maps unexpectedly turned into a way to the unknown. The first challenge in this unforgiving desert came in the form of a dry riverbed canyon, which slowed my pace and tested my resolve.

Navigating through the arid labyrinth before sunset, I encountered obstacles that tested my strategy. A seemingly closed and impassable railway crossing forced my bike perilously close to the edge of a dangerous cliff. I was keenly aware that a single misstep could not only my journey but everything I had set out to accomplish. Eventually, I set up camp beneath the stars for the night, only to confront the harsh realities of the desert come dawn. It dawned on me that my carefully laid plans didn't quite align with the stark reality of the desert's dangers.

Realizing that retreat was not an option amidst fence barriers and dwindling water sources, I reassessed my strategy to find an alternative path. Opting to forge ahead along another dry riverbed led me to face new trials fraught with perilous descents. Hours later, upon sighting Tabernas Village, I emerged from the desert's challenges weary but undefeated. A cold drink attained at a gas station symbolized the power of strategic planning and ultimately, the triumph of perseverance.

This desert journey taught me that even the best-laid plans can change and that the secret to overcoming difficulties lies in flexibility and determination. True travel gains meaning by calmly navigating unforeseen challenges and pressing onward without surrender. Just as Tabernas Desert taught me, in life, the greatest success lies not only in having the right strategy but also in reaching the goal with a resilient spirit.

We Pass On Our Sustainability Dreams to Future Generations

At Enerjisa Üretim, we generate non-stop with our renewed energy each and every day, thanks to the inspiration we receive from people, nature and the future, and in line with our responsibility for tomorrow. Because we know that We Make An Impact!

As a result, we wanted to reflect this awareness regarding our impact -which we have concerning all our activities around the world- in our 2023 Annual Report and turn it into a value-creating project. As we forge ahead with a focus on renewable energy, we appreciate the bicycle as an indispensable means of transportation for a greener world. In this context, we emphasize the importance of the bicycle culture from different perspectives in our Annual Report, which we have prepared with our motto "Two Wheels, One Mission: Journey to a Better Future".

While we were compiling stories from various countries in which we operate, our paths crossed with Aydan Çelik, a bicycle romantic, in our country and our dreams for a sustainable future came to life with his drawings. In order to raise awarness, we interspersed these drawings, which symbolize the impact we are creating, together with bicycles.

We wanted to imbue this awareness primarily in our youth, who are the hope of the future and gifted our special bicycles, which bear our name, to our students at Enerjisa Bandırma Science High School, wishing them to embrace the bicycle culture and share our mission for a better world. In our school, where we built a bicycle track in 2023, the bicycles we designed for our Annual Report have started to be used by young people.

At Enerjisa Üretim, we will continue to contribute to a greener future with each and every time we pedal and work with all our strength for a more beautiful world. Remembering our responsibility towards life at every moment of this journey, we reiterate our determination to leave a more livable world for future generations.


56,081 Total Installed Capacity (MW)
3,235 Number of Wind Turbines
32,452 Renewable Energy Installed Capacity (MW)
291 Country Electricity Emission Factor (gCO₂eq/kWh)
18,594 Renewable Energy Investments in Project Status (MW)


99,066 Total Installed Capacity (MW)
3,483 Number of Wind Turbines
33,976 Renewable Energy Installed Capacity (MW)
411 Country Electricity Emission Factor (gCO₂eq/kWh)
3,547 Renewable Energy Investments in Project Status (MW)


4,598 Total Installed Capacity (MW)
11 Number of Wind Turbines
3,417 Renewable Energy Installed Capacity (MW)
135 Country Electricity Emission Factor (gCO₂eq/kWh)
1,457 Renewable Energy Investments in Project Status (MW)


80,597 Total Installed Capacity (MW)
1,334 Number of Wind Turbines
44,914 Renewable Energy Installed Capacity (MW)
462 Country Electricity Emission Factor (gCO₂eq/kWh)
56,724 Renewable Energy Investments in Project Status (MW)


50,184 Total Installed Capacity (MW)
4,057 Number of Wind Turbines
26,387 Renewable Energy Installed Capacity (MW)
841 Country Electricity Emission Factor (gCO₂eq/kWh)
9,539 Renewable Energy Investments in Project Status (MW)


88,984 Total Installed Capacity (MW)
13,588 Number of Wind Turbines
61,747 Renewable Energy Installed Capacity (MW)
160 Country Electricity Emission Factor (gCO₂eq/kWh)
61,747 Renewable Energy Investments in Project Status (MW)


107,050 Total Installed Capacity (MW)
4,528 Number of Wind Turbines
59,600 Renewable Energy Installed Capacity (MW)
4,528 Country Electricity Emission Factor (gCO₂eq/kWh)
12,832 Renewable Energy Investments in Project Status (MW)

Gürkan Genç

Born in Ankara and embarking on a world tour from Türkiye in 2012, Gürkan Genç explored 69 countries by covering 130,000 kilometres on his bicycle. Currently, he continues his journey in USA. In 2023, when our paths crossed, Gürkan visited our company Senkron.Energy and Enerjisa Commodities in the Netherlands along with his bicycle to closely witness our mission of building a better future. Sharing his experiences and observations during the tour, Gürkan became a part of our journey.

Kamran Ali

Kamran Ali, the first and only Pakistani to cycle across the Americas, has been on his world bicycle tour for 9 years. Kamran, who is also a photographer, has travelled about 60,000 kilometres in 51 countries on five continents. He has shared his adventure with us in Mexico, where we carry out our energy trade activities.

Daniel & Melanie

For the past 4.5 years, Melanie and Daniel have been exploring the world on bicycles. During this time, they have covered over 60,000 kilometres, traversing 25 countries. Daniel, an energy efficiency and construction technology engineer, worked with local solar energy companies in India to electrify rural areas. Melanie, on the other hand, is a health economist, writer, and yoga instructor. Melanie and Daniel shared their adventure of living in Georgia, where we continue our energy trading activities.

Roxy & Tommy

Roxy and Tommy have been continuing their journey for 19 months, covering over 20,500 kilometres by bicycle in 25 countries from France to Australia. This adventure allows them to accumulate unforgettable stories. Roxy and Tommy shared their adventure of living in Vietnam, where we continue our energy trading activities.

Peter Gostelow

Born in London, Peter Gostelow, with his belief in the simplicity and freedom of bicycle travel, has cycled over 150,000 kilometres across more than 90 countries in 20 years. Currently continuing his world tour in Saudi Arabia, Peter shared his adventure of living in Poland, where we carry out our energy trading activities..

Davide Travelli

Born in Italy, Davide Travelli embarked on his world tour in 2015. Having cycled over 84,000 kilometres, Davide is currently continuing his journey in Spain, the 58th country on his tour. Davide shared his adventure of living in Spain, where we carry out our energy trading activities.

Aydan Çelik

Born in 1966, Aydan Çelik studied Business Administration and Economic History at Istanbul University and went on to attend the Department of Sculpture at Mimar Sinan University. Writer and Illustrator Çelik's love for bicycles has continued to grow since her childhood and shaped her professional life. She continues her work for the development of bicycle culture in Türkiye with the books she writes and the special bicycles she designs.