Enerjisa Üretim
Enerjisa Üretim

2022 Annual Report

2021 Annual Report

2020 Annual Report



Within the scope of our trading activities, which is our second main business line, we take a position in the energy markets -independently of our company's generation activities and assets- vis-a-vis our comprehensive and detailed analysis within the framework of defined risk limits.

In this context, we take an active role in the following topics:

  • Electricity trading in organized and unorganized energy markets in Türkiye and Europe
  • Participation in cross-border electricity capacity tenders
  • Natural gas trade
  • Switchboard imbalance management services
  • Special solutions for renewable power plants on the market
  • Customer solutions for the end consumer
  • International carbon and green energy trade

With our Enerjisa Toptan and Enerjisa Europe companies, we carried out electricity and natural gas trading in Türkiye and SEE and our "green solutions" activities all over the globe. We have started our preparations to move our electricity and natural gas commercial activities to Continental Europe as of 2023.

We completed the establishment of our Amsterdam-based Enerjisa Commodities company in 2023, and now carry out all our commercial activities under the Enerjisa Commodities brand.

Our Global Achievements:

  • We have two companies, namely Enerjisa Europe Kft in Hungary and Enerjisa Commodities BV in Amsterdam, which are supported by our departments in Istanbul.
  • We are an international team with trading, fundraising, commercial asset management and risk management experience in offices in Amsterdam and Istanbul.
  • We trade electricity and gas products, including physical and forward transactions, in 12 different European countries.
  • We are already registered with EEX, EPEX, TTF, HENEX, IBEX, HUPX, SEEPEX, and in near term will be registered with ICE.
  • In line with our obligations, we report to global authorities ACER (REMIT), ESMA, RAE, EWRC, AERS ve MEKH.
  • Within the scope of energy trade risk management, we manage buying and selling operations through ETRM/VEGA systems developed within the company.
  • We work with our dedicated team to analyse the European electricity, gas and carbon markets supported by various models.
  • We have environmental commodity trading certificates (renewable energy and voluntary carbon certificates) to our name.
  • We have a trade performance that improves every year.
  • Our transaction volume in the European markets in 2023 was approximately 34 TWh.
  • Positioned as a global player in the Green Energy Certificate trade, we have achieved a market share of approximately 2% in the world with transactions spanning more than 28 countries.
  • We continue to expand our presence in Europe in line with the Marco Polo business plan and support this with an intensive branding initiative.

Our Achievements in Türkiye:

  • We are the market leader in wholesale energy trade with a volume of +10 TWh/annual.
  • We have a +3.5 GW industry segment end-user portfolio.
  • We manage one of the largest balancing groups with over 26% of total volume.
  • We have over 760 MW of installed capacity under our commercial management, including PPAs, for 2024.
  • We are active in gas trading and generation, including storage.
  • We provide 2.7 TWh/annual consumption reaching end-users with green energy.


We hold an important place in the sector with a sales and trade volume of 34 TWh of electricity, gas and green energy.


  • We have a 36% market share in all electricity trade volume traded on OTC.
  • We offer balancing services to 184 stakeholders in Türkiye.


  • We have achieved 5.5 TWh electricity trade volume in Europe.
  • We are integrated into the global market through Enerjisa Europe with a transaction volume of 16 TWh/year in the TTF (Title Transfer Facility) market.
  • For 2024, we have been entitled to undertake a total of 183 MW annual electrical energy transfer capacity for export-import activity, which will be carried out across 11 different borders such as Türkiye – Greece, Hungary – Romania, Bulgaria – Romania, Macedonia – Greece, Türkiye – Bulgaria, Bulgaria – Serbia, Greece – Italy and Greece – Bulgaria respectively. In addition to annual tenders, we continue to regularly participate in monthly capacity usage tenders with a total of 151 MW.
  • We have a total transaction volume (Buy + Sell) of 9,786,496 MWh Carbon + IREC + YECG credit.
  • Reaching a sales volume of 2,423,322 IREC end-users, we became the market leader in the Turkish market share of 21% and a global market share of roughly 2%.



  • We make energy purchase agreements that protect our plant owner stakeholders against price and imbalance risks.
  • Thanks to our product diversity, strong financial structure and pricing flexibility, we can provide products according to the needs of all market players. We meet our customers' expectations not only with alternative pricing options but also by sharing our experience in infrastructure, legislation and implementation in the sector.
  • Concepts such as "PTF", "Residential", "Imbalance", "Financial Cost", "Consumption Forecast" enter customers’ lives. In this regard, we offer digital solutions that customers can access directly regarding digitalization, whose importance has increased during the pandemic period. With the “Enerjisa Access” service, we monitor the performances of all our customers and enable them to make instant costing. We also contribute to their ability to create energy purchasing and usage strategies thanks to the analysis screens that include future forecasts.
  • We manage Greenhouse Gas Monitoring and Green Certification processes.


Commercial risks and optimization risks cover the changes over time regarding the prices and additional costs of the electrical energy we generate or trade, and the commodities such as natural gas, petroleum products and lignite that we consume or trade both within free and regulated markets, as well as their effects on profitability.

In this regard, we determine our trading and optimization risk policy to manage risks. We carry out our commercial and optimization risk management activities in co-operation with the Commercial Risk Management Department and the teams that carry out all commercial and optimization activities. We periodically report the profitability and risks of each commercial and optimization activity, and monitor and report most of the risks on a daily basis. We maintain risk capital allocated for commercial activities and monitor trading limits on a daily basis, setting them according to this risk capital and current risk appetite. We use advanced Value at Risk (VaR) models to measure business risks.

We increased the depth of cross-border trade between European countries with Enerjisa Commodities' effective trading in the European Energy organized and OTC markets. Thanks to our ETRM system, we have the ability to track all positions in real time and make risk measurements by successfully completing digitalization integrations into the markets.

We continue our expansion into new markets and cross-border carbon trading, focusing on our goal of becoming an active player in green energy markets. In this process, we meticulously analyze counterparty risks and constantly monitor contract and operational risks. Our effective risk management strategy contributes to maintaining our strong position in the sector and achieving sustainable success.

Our Trading and Optimization Risk Management Committee meets regularly to direct and supervise risk management activities. Committee members are comprised of the CFO, Energy Markets DGM, Strategy and Portfolio Management Director and Risk Culture Leader who determine the risk appetite, authorizations, limits and trading principles in line with our current risk-bearing capacity. The committee questions the adequacy of existing systems and decides on areas to be improved, also identifies risky situations at the commercial operations level and decides on action plans to eliminate the risk in question.


We took on the Official Green Sponsorship of the Euroleague for 3 years to raise awareness of Enerjisa Commodities and demonstrate our capabilities on environmental issues. This was one of our important milestones in 2023 In this context, we will calculate the carbon footprint that will occur during the matches to be played in Türkiye throughout the league and ensure that it is offset with carbon certificates. We will continue our initiatives in this direction in 2024 to demonstrate our presence in the global arena.