Enerjisa Üretim
Enerjisa Üretim

2022 Annual Report

2021 Annual Report

2020 Annual Report



At Enerjisa Üretim, we embrace change and invest in human-centred ecosystems as well as innovative business models for a better future. We endeavour to make our current investments more sustainable with our environmental, social and governance practices in areas we operate, thus both raising our environmental awareness and expanding the positive impact of our social responsibility.

We centre sustainability criteria in our project development processes and investment decisions in all 26 power plants of our company, and adopt an approach that is sensitive to the needs of the society and our employees, supports global transformation and ensures the long-term continuity of our business models.

We prioritize people in all processes thanks to the work that we carry out in the fields of occupational health and safety, employee loyalty, gender equality, ethics and talent management. While implementing all these studies, we share our projects with our internal and external stakeholders and manage processes with shared wisdom.

We are guided by the National Legislative Guidelines and Equator Principles in our business processes that focus on the management of environmental and social issues. These principles provide an international guidance framework for analyzing and managing both environmental and social risks in financing of our projects.

By conducting detailed environmental and social impact analysis in accordance with National Legislative Guidelines and Equator Principles, we act in communication and co-operation with local stakeholders and carry out our projects that meet the high-level sustainability standards. This approach allows us to act at par with international standards, by stretching beyond the mere obligations of governments. We meticulously evaluate the environmental and social impact of our projects, manage risks effectively, and maintain open and transparent communication with local communities, protecting cultural heritage, supporting biodiversity and leading the fight against climate change. Our commitment to National Legislative Guidelines and the Equator Principles is more than a necessity for us, it forms the basis of our understanding of sustainable development and social justice.

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Climate Change and Environment

We will achieve our net-zero carbon target by 2045 at the latest and continue our decarbonization journey by growing in renewable energy while transforming our existing assets.

In this process, we aim to reduce our Scope 1-2 emissions by 18% in 2026 compared to the reference year of 2021 (2021 base year data was 458 g/kWh), and decrease our Scope 3 emissions by 20% until 2035 compared to the 2022 reference year.

Within the scope of the "A Breath for the Future Afforestation Project" and the "11 th of November National Afforestation Day" we signed sapling planting protocols with the General Directorate of Forestry of the Republic of Türkiye and the Bozcaada District Governorship of the Republic of Türkiye. In 2023, we planted a total of 347,000 saplings within the scope of both projects and in areas where our businesses operate.

Contribution to Communities
Our long-term and permanent projects that focus on the environment and society, are compatible with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and will support the development of our local people in an attempt to transform areas in which we operate. In this respect, we focus on fulfilling the following areas, in co-operation with public foundations, civil initiatives and other stakeholders:

  • Reducing Inequalities: We focus on projects that contribute to social development, in particular gender equality, income-generating activities, vulnerable groups and sports. As a signatory of the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs), we continue our path together with our stakeholders who strive for women's existence in all areas and at all levels of economic life, inspire gender equality and contribute to strengthening these efforts.
  • Quality Education: We try to create value in regions where we operate by focusing on vocational training, climate action, digitalization and technology in education. Thanks to our work with Sabancı Group, Sabancı Foundation and Sabancı University Executive Development Unit, we continue to undertake important initiatives such as Power MBA.
  • Nature-Based Solutions: We try to contribute to the restoration of natural life and social awareness by reducing our negative impact on biodiversity, water use, afforestation and circular economy. Thanks to our long-term partnerships with OGEM-VAK (Foundation For Developing Forestry And Supporting Forest Fire Fighting Services) and the General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks, we manage our long-term afforestation and other regional projects. We touch the lives of our local people by providing medicine and local training in Adana, Çanakkale, Kahramanmaraş and Kayseri with our Honey Forest project, where biodiversity, afforestation and contribution to society intersect.

Our Sustainability Focused Projects

Our Agrivoltaic Project
In our agrivoltaic application, which is a first in the use of renewable energy in agriculture, we co-operated with Komşuköy, and enabled an efficient and sustainable cultivation of vegetables by positioning the solar panels in an extraordinary way. With our agrivoltaic project, we were entitled to receive the IREC certification.

Thanks to our Agrivoltaic application, we reduced the number of solar panels that can be placed per unit area by 50% and used 100% of the available area for agricultural production. As a result of the visual and productivity comparisons of agricultural products with similar growing conditions and interventions that were carried, we measured a visible performance in plant volumes, and observed a significant increase in both the vegetative growth and volume of agrivoltaically grown products.

We implemented the second phase of our Agrivoltaic project at our Bandırma Energy Base, within the scope of which we planted 9,000 winter seedlings in an area of 4.5 decares in our existing solar power fields. We stated harvesting our products at the end of 2023, and shared them with our power plant employees. In the coming period, we plan to increase our Agrivoltaic projects in different power plant regions and share their outputs at an academic level with all our stakeholders.

SINCE 2021

We have planted 1 million saplings in the soil since 2021 with the sapling plantings we have carried out on a voluntary basis.

We have developed projects that contribute to biodiversity in order to leave a better world to future generations with nature-based solutions. In this respect, we have accomplished planting saplings 10 thousand times our age every year, exceeding this year’s target. In addition to our goal of planting 270 thousand trees, we completed our honey forest work and planted 5,700 walnut saplings, contributing to nature by planting 21 thousand additional saplings. Additionally, we have planted 40 thousand fruit and forest saplings in our power plants.

Our Regional Educational Contributions to Women, Youth and Children

We carry out various social investment projects with local communities, public and other stakeholders in the regions where we operate. In order to manage our projects more effectively, we created 3 sub-working groups under the umbrella of the Sustainability Management Committee namely central, western and eastern working groups. Regarding these projects, we analyse indicators such as the magnitude of the impact of the outputs we achieve on our target groups, the diversity and number of beneficiary groups, and the sustainable continuity of the project's contribution. Based on the eastern, western and central group studies in 2023, we contacted more than 600,000 beneficiaries (humans, stray animals, trees and other living creatures).

In addition to our projects that spread across the country, we have implemented many activities in co-operation with the Public Education Institution, within the scope of regional beekeeping trainings and hive support, aromatic plant cultivation support and seed support respectively, for women honey producers. We also carried out studies to support the employment created by the grains and pulses facility. Additionally, we provided livestock and agriculture support in the Adana region.

In regions within our sphere of influence, we have implemented projects under many different headings, such as supporting our successful athletes, meeting the physical and technical needs of schools, completing educational equipment needs, renewing playgrounds, building parks that will enable them to acquaint themselves with energy and science, organizing children's basketball camps and 3x3 basketball tournaments.

In order to raise awareness about renewable energy resources, which play an crucial role for the sustainable future of the energy sector, and increase the interest of young people in the sector, we undertook the annual Enerjisa Üretim Wind Day Summit online with the strategic partnership of Harvard Business Review Türkiye, under the theme "Our Energy is Wind, Our Future is You". The summit was held with the participation of approximately 2,500 people while experts in various field talked about the future of renewable energy, energy transformation, opportunities in energy transformation, actions to be taken and the journey of wind power plants accordingly.

Click to watch the video

We implemented our Womentum project within the scope of "gender equality", in order to increase women's participation in the energy sector and enable them to gain a greater place in the business world.

We received more than 2,000 applications from 68 provinces for our project, which entered its second year in 2023 During the course of our programme, in which 813 female students were entitled to receive certificates, we offered a wide range of content ranging from personal development to sustainability and digital skills.

In addition, we conducted interview simulations under the co-ordination of our People and Culture department and with the voluntary participation of our managers at Enerjisa Üretim. We hosted our selected participants in our head office and provided them with a face-to- face interview experience.

As a result of the evaluation made together with our participants, event management and training contents were evaluated as 9.7 out of 10 “Would you recommend this programme to your friends?” question received a positive response with 9.9 points out of 10.

“Within the scope of the transition to high-impact projects (SROI>1), every 1 TRY investment made in Womentum in 2023 had a social return of 8.4 TRY.”

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Geleceği Hayal Ediyorum (I Imagine the Future) Workshops

We started the I Imagine the Future Workshops at BARES as of the last quarter of 2023 with the aim of contributing to the development of life skills and visions of our children in the villages around the vicinity of our areas of operation. Along the lines of the scope of our project, we aim to organize children's workshops with the participation of volunteers among our colleagues. We provided training to our volunteers who wanted to contribute to our project, which would enable them to communicate with individuals from various cultural and socio-economic background and children in the 10-12 age group, and to conduct volunteering workshops with them. As a result of the training, we aim our volunteers to;

  • Be able to understand both different cultures and children, and establish inclusive communication,
  • Display social impact / design-oriented and critical thinking,
  • Improve their ability to create and implement sustainable volunteering projects,
  • Contribute to one workshop with children.

In 2024, we will start to implement our project, the structure of which we have designed in 2023.

Our Basketball Camps

In co-operation with Enerjisa Üretim and Güler Legacy, we have had the chance to reach more than 2,000 children in various cities with the motto "Our Energy is Basketball" since 2019 Ever since, we set up some wonderful organizations for our children, reinforcing the "unifying power of basketball" -a fact which we always emphasize- by blending it with our social responsibility awareness. In these camps, where basic basketball training is provided to students aged 8-15, children's athletic performance is measured and monitored, while we teach them the techniques of the development of basic motor skills, basic basketball stance, ball control, the mechanics of shooting, defence, attack, different types of pass, teamwork, communication, co-operation, blended with educational games. These camps, which reinforce the unifying power of basketball with our social responsibility awareness, enable us to further expand students’ perception by providing them with basic information about renewable energy and sustainability. So far, we have run our camps 13 times in total, in cities of Çanakkale, Balıkesir, Aydın, Muğla, Adana and Kahramanmaraş respectively.

Click to watch the video

Celal Bayar University Vocational School Project

In co-operation with Celal Bayar University Manisa Vocational School, we work to maximize the potential of students and academic staff, develop and expand their talents, and nurture the leaders of the future. Within the scope of the project, which will last for 5 years, in addition to the renewal of the equipment used in the school's laboratories, we will provide English and computer course opportunities to students with the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

Enerjisa Bandırma Science High School Winners Visit to the Power Plant

We hosted students at our power plant, who displayed outstanding success in the university entrance exam, taking their place among the top 1,000. We are extremely happy to meet the young people of our Science High School, which carries our name and educates students who rank in the top 1,000 each and every year.



At Enerjisa Üretim, we handle risk management holistically, and approach it not only from a technical and methodical point of view, but also with a cultural dimension. Increasing variability and uncertainty make it necessary for the risk management approach and practices to spread to the grassroots and become a part of the daily decision mechanisms. In order to adapt to the changing world, we develop our Enterprise Risk Management organization and practices in line with the needs of the future.

With the 2 committees we established in 2022, we ensure that our risk culture approach is developed, cultural transformation is managed, strategic and systemic risks are discussed more effectively and co-ordination is strengthened accordingly.

While the Risk Leadership Committee, consisting of the senior management team, focuses on managing strategic and organizational risks as well as determining policies, the Corporate Risk Management Committee, made up of our function leaders with a wider participation, works for the early detection of systemic risks that may occur by evaluating the current risk ecosystem and carries out co-ordination activities to spread the risk culture to the base.

With our risk management approach, we aim to identify all risks and opportunities that may affect our operational, strategic and financial plans, measure and evaluate them using various methodologies, thus manage the risks in the most effective way.

Two different departments responsible for risk management carry out risk management activities in their own fields.

While we focus on managing technical risks with the Technical Risk Management Department, The Risk Culture organisation, on the other hand, includes the Corporate Risk Management, Commercial Risk Management, Financial Risk Management and Business Continuity departments.


We deem that the main risks for energy market players in 2023 were;

Both the high volatility in the electricity markets and the deterioration of the market structure due to regulations have once again shown that commercial and generation activities can suffer serious losses if correct risk management is not carried out. At Enerjisa Üretim, we closely monitor all market risks with our advanced risk management tools and techniques that we ourselves have developed and used for many years in both our asset optimization and trading activities. We work together with our various business units to keep our commercial contracts up to date in order to keep them strong against receivables and regulation risks. We continue our commercial activities with clear risk capital and risk limit structure, and use advanced risk management tools and techniques to avoid being negatively affected by exchange rate fluctuations. Despite all the uncertainties, we completed the year 2023 with successful practices and a high-performance regarding risk management.


Crisis Desk Management
When the first earthquake which had a magnitude of 7.7 occurred at 04:17 on February 6, with the epicentre in Kahramanmaraş, we started managing the entire post-disaster process immediately. We activated our emergency desk in the 30th minute, following the actual earthquake, at Enerjisa Üretim's Istanbul head office and forged ahead with our aiding activities.

We swiftly obtained information about the health and safety of our employees by carrying out a situation assessment. After receiving information about the status of our power plants in the region, we determined our road map, called ‘Surviving and Sustaining Others’ Lives’, in order to support the people in the region.

Our first priority was to save lives. We carried out lifesaving activities in two ways from the moment the earthquake occurred. Firstly, we supported the rescue of 12 people with a search and rescue team of 9 people. As a second step, we provided material support to teams and institutions in the region.

From the moment the earthquake occurred, we carried out life-sustaining activities on 3 main pillars: Nutrition, shelter and health.

  • In the nutrition pillar, in addition to the provision of food from surrounding provinces, we set up a food tent in the centre of Kahramanmaraş and served hot meals for 10,000 people daily. In addition, our employees delivered food packages to the villages affected by the earthquake.
  • In the shelter pillar, we tried to meet the daily shelter and basic needs of the disaster victims by sending basic materials such as tents, heaters and clothes to the disaster area.
  • In the health pillar, we supported the needs of the field hospital established in Göksun district during both its installation and operation. In addition, we provided support for the provision of basic medical supplies such as medicine and serum, made up deficiencies in Family Health Centres and repaired the damages in their building.

Besides these activities;

  • In addition to providing health screening and psychological support, we organized educational activities and courses for children to prepare them for exams.
  • We offered a warm home, safe shelter, healthy food and accommodation opportunities to our teammates in our Orkide and Senfoni social facilities.
  • Following the subsiding effects of the disaster after some time, we created support packages for our employees and restructured their working conditions and systems in accordance with the conditions of the region with short, medium and long-term plans.
  • As for our assets, we carried out the necessary checks regarding dam safety, process safety, operational continuity and business continuity and carried out monitoring and planning activities to be well prepared for the aftershocks.
  • We carried out inspections with underwater robots for the Kandil and Sarıgüzel Dams, which are closest to the epicentre, and prepared post-earthquake Dam Safety Reports as a result of detailed evaluations with 4 international consultant companies specializing in dam safety and security.
  • After immediately checking the safety of our own hydroelectric power plants, we helped other generation facilities in the region and supported their safety checks.
  • We have implemented measures such as compliance with OHS standards, protection of the environment, sustainability of natural life, and minimizing the risks that employees may face in a co-ordinated manner, while taking into account our environmental sensitivity and with our overall sustainable business approach.
  • In order to extend the lifespan of the process areas of the Bandırma 1 Power Plant, which was put into operation in 2009, we carried out earthquake strengthening works throughout the site and made our facilities safer.


Enerjisa Üretim Compliance Programme
The main reference regarding compliance issues within our company is the "Enerjisa Üretim Compliance Handbook" prepared in the light of our policies and rule sets, created by our shareholders Sabancı Holding and E.ON. We have created all other compliance policies and procedures of our company in accordance with the framework drawn by this text. Our team members can access our Compliance Handbook both in the Turkish and English languages available on our company's website.

Our rules include compliance regarding the company's internal and external relations, compliance to the business ethics index, protection of all kinds of company assets and information, prevention of conflict of interest, combatting bribery, money laundering and corruption, compliance to the competition law, international sanctions and personal data protection law. It also covers various issues such as ensuring full compliance with all legislation and applicable standards and states the company's responsibilities towards its customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers and business partners, competitors, society and the environment, in addition to its legal responsibilities.

Our colleagues are regularly given interactive training in the digital environment for effective and efficient management regarding our compliance culture. In support of these trainings, participation is monitored by providing additional physical and in-class training at our power plants and head office.

Compliance issues are monitored by the General Counsel and Compliance Advisor. Every 6 months, the Compliance Consultant receives reports from all departments of our company regarding their compliance status in line with the legal legislation and regulatory regulations for which they are responsible. In addition, our General Counsel provides support to departments in monitoring international sanctions, export inspections and adverse news that may arise from relations with customers and suppliers through the digital application.

If non-compliance is detected by the General Counsel and Compliance Consultant to the company's rules specified in the Compliance Handbook and relevant policies, the situation in question is put under consultation by the CEO, CFO, Deputy General Manager of People and Culture and General Legal Counsel, and in the event of an issue concerning ethical rules, it is reported to the Enerjisa Üretim Compliance Board -where the Internal Audit Director serves as a board member- and is recorded accordingly, which is then decided upon by the Compliance Board. Our company strictly adheres to the prevention of ill-treatment and retaliation during audits regarding compliance and ethics. In addition, all employees and other stakeholders within the company (shareholders, customers, suppliers, public institutions) can report any non-compliance to the Compliance Handbook and the relevant policies through our compliance violation reporting channels, which the General Counsel and Compliance Advisor have the authority to access.

Our company is a member of the Ethics and Reputation Association as well as the member of the "Global Compact Signatories Association" under the United Nations (UN) Global Compact Network Türkiye -the world's largest and most comprehensive sustainability initiative- and aims to comply with 10 basic principles determined under 4 main headings in all business processes, reporting its activities annually in this respect.

Notification channels are as follows:

Compliance Violation Notification E-mail:
[email protected]
Compliance Violation Notification Hot Line:
+90 (0216) 512 40 60


Our Internal Audit Department carries out activities regarding the effectiveness and adequacy of the internal control system in Enerjisa Üretim and all its subsidiaries.

The Internal Audit Department fulfils 3 main duties within the company: carrying out audit activities, providing consultancy services and performing ethical review studies. The Department reports directly to the Audit Committee, which consists of 2 Board members representing each Partner. We held a total of 5 meetings in 2023 with the participation of Internal Audit Department Managers and Audit Committee members.

Through the internal audit activities carried out, the Audit Committee provides reasonable assurance to the Board of Directors. Following the regular risk assessment studies carried out every year by the Internal Audit Department regarding our processes, we determine the specific processes to be audited in the following year based on the audit universe we create. The prepared annual internal audit plan is approved by the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors, and respective audits are carried out within the framework of this plan with the aim of contributing to the achievement of the following objectives:

Detections and suggestions regarding the audit work carried out are discussed with the audited function managers and improvement action plans are determined accordingly. The audit report presents the auditor's opinion regarding the effectiveness of the internal control system, while the audit results are reported to the Audit Committee.

In this context, our Internal Audit Department carried out a total of 16 audits in 2023 The action plans included in the audit reports are followed by all relevant action owners and managers through the systematically designed Internal Audit Module.

Various notification and reminder e-mails and management reports created on the system provide employees and managers with instant access and follow-up details regarding the audit results.


During the year, special review requests may be received from the Board of Directors, Audit Committee or senior management in order to obtain more detailed information about various business processes or to evaluate the current situation regarding the effectiveness of the internal control environment. In this context, our Internal Audit Department carries out consultancy activities regarding business processes by undertaking out relevant studies and reporting their results.

In addition, within the scope of consultancy services, the Internal Audit Department actively participates and supports various projects aimed at improving social responsibility projects and business processes within the company.


All company employees and stakeholders can call the Ethics Hot Line at "+90 (216) 512 4242"or contact the Internal Audit Department via "[email protected]" e- mail address to report any possible ethical or company policy violations. All notifications made are examined impartially, with the principle of confidentiality and within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 The Internal Audit Department has the sole authority to access notifications as well as review and investigate any violations. The review results and recommendations are discussed and decided upon by the Workplace Behaviour Evaluation Board established within the company.


The Internal Audit Department carries out its activities in compliance with International Internal Audit Standards and ethical rules. The conformity of these activities is documented and confirmed by an independent Quality Assurance Assessment study, which is subject to take place every 5 years in accordance with the standards and was last carried out in 2023 Many trainings are provided to team members of the department regarding both data analytics and International Internal Audit Standards in order for them to expand their professional knowledge and experience. In addition, all team members are members of the Turkish Internal Audit Institute.