Our Operations

Within the scope of our trade activities, which is our second main business line, we take a position independent of our company’s generation activities and assets in the energy markets, within the framework of defined risk limits, and with comprehensive and detailed analysis. In this context, we play an active role in the following topics:

  • Electricity trading in organized and unorganized energy markets in Türkiye and Europe,
  • Participation in cross-border electricity capacity tenders,
  • Natural gas trade,
  • Power plant imbalance management services,
  • Customized solutions for renewable power plants in the market,
  • Customer solutions for the end consumer
  • International carbon and green energy trade

Trading And Energy Solutions Assistant General Manager Yusuf İlimsever and his daughter Sare

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With our Enerjisa Toptan and Enerjisa Europe companies, we carried out our electricity and natural gas trade activities in Türkiye and South East Europe, and our green solutions activities in every corner of the world. We have started our preparations to move our electricity and natural gas trade activities to Continental Europe as of 2023. We expect the incorporation of our Amsterdam- based Enerjisa Commodities company to be completed in the first quarter of 2023. With the establishment of this company, we will carry out all our trade activities under the brand of Enerjisa Commodities.

Our Trade Activities in Numbers:

26.5 billion kWh electricity gas sales and trade volume

* Despite the low volume experienced in the 2nd quarter of 2022, with the introduction of the ceiling price application within the scope of the resource-based support mechanism for companies holding production licenses


  • Approximately 7.5 billion kWh free consumer portfolio in Türkiye
  • 36% market share in all electricity trade volume traded on OTC
  • Balancing service to our 126 stakeholders in Türkiye


  • 1.56 billion kWh electricity trade volume in Europe.
  • 1.9 billion kWh transaction volume in the TTF (Title Transfer Facility) market through Enerjisa Europe.
  • For 2023, we received a total annual electrical energy transfer capacity, with a total of 25 MW of export and 30 MW of import, regarding the Türkiye-Bulgaria and Türkiye-Greece border. In addition to annual tenders, we continue to regularly participate in monthly capacity utilization tenders.
  • Total 10,000,000 Carbon + IREC loan transaction volume (Buy + Sell).
  • Positioning as a global player in the Green Energy Certificate trade, with a market share of approximately 2% in the world, with transactions in more than 20 countries.
  • Reaching 1,300,000 IREC end-user sales volume: The market leader with a 25% share in the Turkish market, and a 2% market share globally.
  • 23 MW solar PPA, development and sale of 6-year carbon rights of solar power plants on behalf of the project owners.


Emir, son of Ekrem Aksay from our Tufanbeyli Power Plant

Emir, son of Ekrem Aksay from our Tufanbeyli Power Plant


  • Thanks to our product diversity, strong financial structure and pricing flexibility, we can provide products according to the needs of all market players. We meet the expectations of our customers not only with alternative pricing options, but also by sharing our experience in infrastructure, legislation and practices in the sector accordingly.
  • We offer digital solutions that can directly reach our stakeholders in line with concepts such as “Ptf”, “Yekdem”, “Imbalance”, “Financial Cost”, “Consumption Forecast” that entered the lives of customers, and in line with digitalization, the importance of which has increased even more during the pandemic process. Thanks to our “Enerjisa Access” service, we provide our customers with the opportunity to monitor all their performances (Monitoring), make instant costing, and also access analysis screens with forecasts for the future period; we also provide the ability to create energy purchasing and use strategies.
  • We sign energy purchase agreements that protect our plant owner stakeholders against price and imbalance risks.
  • We offer GHG Monitoring and Green Certification process management solutions.


We carry out our commercial and optimization risk management operations in cooperation with the Commercial Risk Management team under the Risk Culture department and the teams that carry out all commercial and optimization operations. We periodically report the profitability and risks of each commercial and optimization operations. We maintain a dedicated venture capital for commercial operations. We set the trade limits in line with this risk capital and current risk appetite and monitor them on a daily basis. We use advanced Value at Risk (VaR) models to measure business risks.